#Brazilianslate is increasingly being recognized for its #sustainability.
Here are some key points regarding the sustainability of Brazilian #slate:
👉 Brazilian slate products are #carbonneutral.
This means that the CO₂ equivalent emissions released during their lifecycle, including extraction, production, and transportation, have been calculated and offset.
👉 At Minas Slate we emphasize on #sustainablemanufacturingpractices
We use 100% #solarenergy to produce all our slate products.
We use #recycledwater in the production process (have big tans for decantation, from where the clean water is then being bumped back to clean water tanks)
We ensure that the wood used for crates comes from managed forests with a harvest and #replantsystem.
All wastes from the slate manufacturing process is collected and supplied to specialized local companies for use in construction (such as road infrastructure) or agriculture (for use in production of #fertilizes), which contributes to a #circulareconomy.
Slate is a 100% natural product that requires no additional treatment, making it a sustainable choice for various projects.
These initiatives and characteristics contribute to the sustainability of Brazilian slate, making it a more #ecofriendly option in the #construction industry.
#ThinkGreen, choose our natural slates for your project, contact #MinasSlate and you'll be gladly surprised with the best cost-benefit value of our natural slates.
